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Gardula Research Project Volume 1. Paleonotological Collections: Background and Fossil Aves, Cercopithecidae, and
Suidae. The University Museum The University of Tokyo Bulletin 47: 73-88.
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Kubo D, Kono RT, Suwa G (2012) Endocranial proportions and postorbital morphology of the Minatogawa I and IV Late
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Yamasaki S, Fujita M, Katagiri C, Kunikita D, Matsuura S, Suwa G, Oshiro I (2012) Excavations (2009-2011) at Sakitari-do cave
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Saso A, Matsukawa S, Suwa G (2011) Comparative analysis of the glabellar region morphology of the late Pleistocene
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Suwa G, Fukase H, Kono RT, Kubo D, Fujita M (2011) Mandibular tooth root size in modern Japanese, prehistoric Jomon, and Late
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