Skulls of small Japanese field mouse (Tateishi Collection)
The small Japanese field mouse is a common Japanese rodent. Its body weight is about 20 g. As this mouse shows us the contrast in the body color, the back side is brownish and the ventral side is white. The tail is relatively longer than that of close-related species. The skulls are part of a number of small mammal collections. These have been collected by Mr. Takashi Tateishi. In 2013, all of the collections were donated to the University Museum of the University of Tokyo by Mr. Tateishi. Tateishi Collection includes a lot of rodents other than small Japanese field mouse, for example large Japanese field mouse, harvest mouse, house mouse, brown rat, roof rat, Japanese grass vole and Japanese red-backed vole. In addition, it also includes Eulipotyphla such as mole and Japanese shrew mole. It is a comprehensive collection of the small mammals in Japan. The Tateishi Collection covers the common species of Rodentia and Eulipotyphla in Japan. It has not only specimens, but also biological information of habitat and external measurement data. Tateishi Collection and Miyao Collection include the most important specimens of the small mammals in Japan. They are supporting the natural history research in this field. (Hideki Endo & Mayu Kusumi)