Keoue Cave, Lebanon and small-sized Levallois artifacts of the Middle Palaeolithic
The Mediterranean coastal region of the Levant was also included in the research field of the Tokyo University Scientific Expedition to West Asia, headed by Hisashi Suzuki. The site excavated in Lebanon was Keoue Cave, situated on the mount foothills near Tripoli, northern Lebanon. The excavation, carried out in one season (1970) yielded late Middle Palaeolithic lithic and faunal remains. The techno-typological characteristics of the lithic assemblages display close similarity to the Tabun-B type industry, usually associated with Neanderthals.
The remarkable characteristics of the lithic industry include its small size. The lengths of the Levallois flakes, one of the most important target products of the Levantine Mousterian industry, are less than 4 cm, reminiscent of the Micro Mousterian sporadically reported from Middle Palaeolithic sites along the Mediterranean coast. Cores are even smaller, diminishing to less than 3 cm long. While the small size at Keoue Cave is likely to reflect the available flint nodule size nearby, the capability of manufacturing and utilizing small stone tools by the Middle Palaeolithic hominins deserves attention. The associated animal remains include deer and ox, reflecting the Mediterranean environment. The existence of cave bear remains was also noted, but it does not necessarily indicate hunting with small stone-tipped spears. They may include remains of bears from natural death in the cave. (Yoshihiro Nishiaki)
Nishiaki, Y. & Copeland, L. (1992) Keoue Cave, Northen Lebanon and its place in the Levantine Mousterian context. In: The Evolution and Dispersal of Modern Humans in Asia, edited by Akazawa, T. et al., pp. 107–127. Tokyo: Hokusensha.
Watanabe, H. (1970) The excavations at Keoue Cave, Lebanon: an interim report. Bulletin de la Musée de Beyrouth 23: 205–214.