東京大学総合研究博物館 The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
東京大学 The University of Tokyo

Re-excavations at Tell Begum, Iraqi Kurdistan, 2013.

Samarra pottery in the National Museum of Aleppo, Syria.

 敬寛 Takahiro Odaka研究者リストに戻る


Since 1996, I have participated in several archaeological field projects in Near Eastern countries such as Syria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Jordan, and currently, Iraqi Kurdistan. My research focuses on the process from early farming society to civilized urban society, which stimulated the formation of the ancient Near Eastern world. Through pottery studies, I am trying to identify the multilayered spatiotemporal framework by considering ecological environments, subsistence economy, and human mobility.

総合研究博物館 西秋研究室ホームページ(日本語English

略歴  Education and Academic Employment
1994-1998  早稲田大学第一文学部
 School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I, Waseda University
1998-2005  早稲田大学大学院文学研究科(2007 博士(文学)学位取得)
 Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University (Ph.D., 2007)
2002-2005  早稲田大学文学学術院 助手
 Research Associate, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University
2006-2010  東京芸術大学大学院美術研究科 教育研究助手
 Research Associate, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
2009-2011  古代オリエント博物館 共同研究員
 Research Fellow, Ancient Orient Museum, Tokyo
2011-2014  早稲田大学高等研究所 助教
 Assistant Professor, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University
2014-2015  東京大学総合研究博物館 特任研究員
 Project Researcher, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
2015-  東京大学総合研究博物館 特任助教
 Assistant Professor, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo

主な著作  Selected Publications
Odaka, T. (in press) “Decoration of Neolithic Pottery in the Northern Levant: A View from the Rouj Basin.” IN: Painting Pots, Painting People. Investigating Decorated Ceramics of the Late Neolithic Near East, edited by Mateiciucová, I. et al. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Odaka, T. (in press) “The Emergence of Pottery in Northern Levant: A Recent View from Tell el-Kerkh.” IN: The Emergence of Pottery in West Asia: The Search for the Origin of Pyrotechnology, edited by Tsuneki, A. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Nieuwenhuyse, O., Odaka, T., Kaneda, A., Mühl, S. Rasheed, K. and Altaweel, M. (in press) “Revisiting Tell Begum. A Prehistoric Site in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan.” Iraq 78.
小煬h寛 (2015) 「西アジアの初期の土器にみられる突帯−テル・エル=ケルク遺跡出土資料からの一考察−」『オリエント』58巻1号,1-14頁.
Odaka, T. (2013) “Dark-faced Burnished Ware and Fine versus Coarse Distinction in the Early Pottery Assemblage of Northern Levant.” IN: Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia, edited by Nieuwenhuyse, O. P. et al., pp. 296-303. Turnhout: Brepols.
Odaka, T. (2013) “Neolithic Pottery in the Northern Levant and its Relations to the East.” IN: Neolithic Archaeology in the Khabur Valley, Upper Mesopotamia and Beyond, edited by Nishiaki, Y. et al., pp. 205-217. Berlin: Ex Oriente.
小煬h寛 (2012) 「いわゆるシリア=キリキアグループと暗色磨研土器の地域性−ルージュ盆地の調査成果からみた一考察−」『西アジア考古学』13号,1-17頁.
小煬h寛 (2009) 「「西方」のサマッラ土器−その地域性とハラフ土器の成立をめぐって−」『オリエント』51巻2号,1-26頁(日本オリエント学会第31回奨励賞受賞論文).
Odaka, T. (2003) “Fine Painted Wares in the Neolithic Northern Levant: The Earliest Evidence from Tell Ain el-Kerkh, the Rouj Basin.” Orient-Express 2003/3: 80-81
Odaka, T. (2003) “Samarra Pottery in the National Museum of Aleppo, Syria.” Al-Rafidan 24: 25-39.