東京大学総合研究博物館 The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
東京大学 The University of Tokyo

諏訪 元 研究者リストに戻る





1988 Evolution of the "robust" australopithecines in the Omo succession:
evidence from mandibular premolar morphology. In: Grine F (ed.)
The Evolutionary History of the Robust Australopithecines. New York:
Aldine, pp: 199-222.
1994 Australopithecus ramidus, a new species of hominid from Aramis,
Ethiopia. Nature 説明: http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/images/spacer.gif371, 306-312.
1996 Mandibular postcanine dentition from the Shungura Formation,
Ethiopia. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 101, 247-282.
1997 The first skull of Australopithecus boisei. Nature 389, 489-492.
2003 Plio-Pleistocene terrestrial mammal assemblage from Konso, southern
Ethiopia. 説明: http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/images/spacer.gifJ. Vert. Paleontol. 23, 901-916.
2004 Late Miocene teeth from Middle Awash, Ethiopia, and early hominid
dental evolution. 説明: http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/images/spacer.gifScience 303, 1503-1505.
2005 A micro-ct based study of linear enamel thickness in the mesial cusp
section of 説明: http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/images/spacer.gifhuman molars. Anthropological Science 113, 273-289.
2007 Early Pleistocene Homo erectus fossils from Konso, southern Ethiopia.
Anthropological Science, 115: 133-151.
2007 A new species of great ape from the late Miocene epoch in Ethiopia.
Nature 448, 説明: http://www.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp/images/spacer.gif921-924.
2009 Ardipithecus ramidus and the paleobiology of early hominids. Science
326, 75-86.
2009 Paleobiological implications of the Ardipithecus ramidus dentition.
Science 326, 94-99.
2009 The great divides: Ardipithecus ramidus reveals the postcrania of our
last common ancestors with African apes. Science 326, 100-106.
2009 The Ardipithecus ramidus skull and its implications for hominid origins.
Science 326, 68e1-e7.
2009 The pelvis and femur of Ardipithecus ramidus: the emergence of
upright walking. Science 326, 71e1-e6.
2013 The characteristics and chronology of the earliest Acheulean at Konso,
Ethiopia. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 110, 1584-1591.
2014 Ardipithecus ramidus and the evolution of the human cranial base.
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111, 948-953.
2015 Neither chimpanzee nor human, Ardipithecus reveals the surprising
ancestry of both. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 4879-4884.
2015 Newly discovered cercopithecid, equid and other mammalian fossils
from the Chorora Formation, Ethiopia. Anthropological Science 123, 19-
2016 New geological and paleontological age constraint for the gorilla-human
lineage split. Nature 530, 215-218.
2016 The first hominoid from the Maragheh Formation, Iran. Paleodiversity
and Paleoenvironments 9: 373-381.
