研究室TEL: 03-5841-8455
平成5年3月 明治大学農学部農学科農学専修卒業
平成12年3月 九州大学大学院比較社会文化研究科国際社会文化専攻 修士課程修了
平成15年3月 九州大学大学院比較社会文化学府国際社会文化専攻 博士課程修了
平成5年4月〜平成10年3月 鳩山邦夫事務所 秘書
(平成6年5月〜平成6年7月 労働大臣秘書)
平成13年4月〜平成15年3月 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC)
平成15年4月〜平成21年9月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物科学専攻 技術職員
平成21年10月〜平成23年3月 東京大学総合研究博物館 特任研究員
平成23年4月〜平成24年3月 東京大学総合研究博物館 特任助教
平成24年4月〜令和4年3月 東京大学総合研究博物館 助教
令和4年4月〜現在 東京大学総合研究博物館 講師
・2006年8月 第8回日本進化学会「優良賞」. 受賞タイトル:世界のベニシジミ
・2016年10月 日本鱗翅学会第63回大会「最優秀賞」.受賞タイトル:
・2016年10月 日本鱗翅学会第63回大会「最優秀賞」.受賞タイトル:
・2016年10月 日本鱗翅学会第63回大会「優秀賞」.
受賞タイトル:Species richness and areas of endemism of Asian Zephyrus
hairstreaks (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Theclini) with implication on the
historical biogeography: an NDM/VNDM approach.
・2016年11月 DSA空間デザイン賞2016・入選.受賞タイトル:
蝉類博物館 −昆虫黄金期を築いた天才・加藤正世博士の世界.
・2019年10月 日本空間デザイン賞2019・金賞(「エキシビジョン・
「珠玉の昆虫標本 −江戸から平成の昆虫研究を支えた東京大学秘蔵コレク
Yago, M., Saigusa, T. and Nakanishi, A., 2000. Rediscovery of Heliophorus yunnani
D'Abrera and its systematic position with intrageneric relationship in the genus
Heliophorus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Entomological Science, 3 (1): 81-100.
Yago, M., Saigusa, T. and Nakanishi, A., 2002. A revision of the Heliophorus kohimensis group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Entomological Science, 5 (3):
Yago, M., 2002. Comparative morphology and identification of the subgenus Kulua(Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Heliophorus). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 145 (2):
Yago, M. and Nakanishi, A., 2003. A new species of Heliophorus Geyer from Nepal,
with a key to the Nepalese species (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Bulletin de la
Société entomologique de France, 108 (1): 27-34.
矢後勝也, 岸田泰則, 2004. チョウ目. In岡島秀治(総監修). ニューワイド学研の
図鑑・世界の昆虫I: 16-91.(株)学研, 東京.
矢後勝也ほか(編), 2006. In 白水 隆. 日本産蝶類標準図鑑: 12-13, 80-81,
174-175.(株)学研, 東京.
矢後勝也, 2007. シジミチョウ科, タテハチョウ科(テングチョウ亜科・カバタテハ
亜科・コムラサキ亜科). In 矢田 脩 (編). 新訂原色昆虫大圖鑑, 第1巻(蝶・
蛾篇):32-36, 49-83, 105-106, 112-116, 148-154. 北隆館, 東京.
Yago, M., Hirai, N., Kondo, M., Tanikawa, T., Ishii, M., Wang, M., Williams, M.
and Ueshima, R., 2008. Molecular systematics and biogeography of the
Zizina (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Zootaxa, 1746: 15-38.
Yago, M., Yokochi, T., Kondo, M., Yahya, B., Peggie, D., Wang, M., Williams,
M., Morita, S. and Ueshima, R., 2012. Revision of the Euthalia phemius
complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on morphology and molecular
analyses. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 164: 304-327.
Masaya Yago
TEL: +81-3-5841-8455
I am studying biodiversity science such as phylogenetic systematics, phylogeography, evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology and conservation biology, based on morphological and molecular data and field work. In these studies, insects, mainly Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), are used as materials. Butterflies, in particular, are very suitable for studies from various approaches, since species diversity of butterflies has been elucidated in considerable detail. Using lycaenid butterflies, I have conducted descriptions of some new species and subspecies, morphological studies of larvae and adults, construction of systematics using molecular analyses, and evolutionary study on their ant-associations. Currently, in addition to molecular studies of butterflies, I am researching molecular phylogeography of moths (Bombyx species and Eterusia aedea), basic data for protection of butterflies endemic to the Ogasawara Islands and endangered butterflies occurring in riverside and backswamp, and responses of butterflies due to global warming and/or artificial ecosystem disturbances.
April 1989 - March 1993. Department of Agriculture, School of Agriculture, Meiji University. (Bachelor of Agriculture)
April 1998 - March 2000. Biosystematic Laboratory, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University (Master of Science). Thesis: A systematic study of the subfamily Lycaeninae (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae).
April 2000 - March 2003. Biosystematic Laboratory, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University (Ph. D). Dissertation: Larval morphology and phylogeny of the family Lycaenidae (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea).
Professional Experience
April 1993 - March 1998. Secretary to Lower House member (Kunio Hatoyama) and as researcher on butterflies (May - July 1994. Secretary to the 61th Minister of Labor, Japan).
April 2000 - March 2001. Research assistant. Kyushu University.
April 2001 - March 2003. Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
April 2003 - September 2009. Project Research Staff. Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo.
October 2009 - March 2011. Project Research Associate. The University Museum, The University of Tokyo.
April 2011 - March 2022. Assistant Professor. The University Museum, The University of Tokyo.
April 2022 -Present. Associate Professor (Lecturer). The University Museum, The University of Tokyo.
2005. Excellent Award (The eighth congress of Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan) “Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of copper butterflies”.
2016. Prize of DSA Design Award 2016 (Japan Design Space Association) “Cicadidae Museum – The World of Dr. Masayo Kato, a genius creating the golden age of entomology in Japan”
2016. The Highest Prize (The Lepidopterological Society of Japan) “Molecular Phylogeography and Morphological Evolution of the genus Bhutanitis (Papilionidae)”
2019. Gold Prize of the Kukan Design Award 2020 (Spatial Design Initiative, Japan) “Ultimate Insect Specimens − Treasured Entomology Collection of The University of Tokyo spanning the Edo to Heisei eras: Special Exhibition 2018 at The University Museum, The University of Tokyo”
Publications: 236 papers and 27 books.
Presentations (academic presentations in Societies): 169 presentations
Membership of Academic Societies
The Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan
The Zoological Society of Japan
The Entomological Society of Japan (Representative, Chairman of Nature Conservation Committee)
The Lepidopterological Society of Japan (Member of Board of Directors, Chairman of Nature Conservation Committee, Member of Editorial Board, Special Member for Future Project)
The Butterfly Society of Japan (Vice-president)
The Butterfly Science Society of Japan
The Insect DNA Research Society of Japan (Member of Executive Committee)
The Japan Butterfly Conservation Society (Member of Executive Committee)
The other officers or committees
Ministry of the Environment, Japan (Member of the Program for the Rehabilitation of Natural Habitats and Maintenance of Viable Population of the National Endangered Species of Wild and Flora in Ogasawara, Member of the Investigative Commission for Selecting and Assessing the Red List, Member of the Program for the Rehabilitation of Natural Habitats and Maintenance of Viable Population of the Blue Quaker butterfly, Pithecops fulgens, Promotion Member for Protection of Rare Wild Animals and Plants) , Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (Member of the Textbook Authorization Research Council), Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Member of the Investigative Commission for Selecting and Assessing the Red List), Nonprofit Organization, Chikyu-Sen Club (Chief Researcher), Inariyama Public Library of Nerima-ku, Tokyo (Special Adviser)
館内身分 | 氏名(Name)(五十音順) | 専門(Speciality) | 顔写真(Portrait) | ||
博物館事業協力者 | 岸田 泰則 (Yasunori Kishida) |
鱗翅目(ガ・チョウ類) [Lepidoptera (Moths and butterflies)] |
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博物館事業協力者 (農学生命科学研究科特任研究員) |
須田 真一 (Shinichi Suda) |
昆虫全般(主に蜻蛉目) [General, mainly Odonata (Dragonflies)] |
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博物館事業協力者 | 須田 孫七 (Magoshichi Suda) |
昆虫全般(主にアリ類) [General, mainly Hymenoptera (Ants)] |
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博物館事業協力者 | 手代木 求 (Motomu Teshirogi) |
鱗翅目(チョウ類) [Lepidoptera (Butterflies)] |
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博物館事業協力者 | 長瀬 博彦 (Hirohiko Nagase) |
膜翅目(ハチ類) [Hymenoptera (Bees/Wasps)] |
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技術補佐員 | 新津 修平 (Shuhei Niitsu, PhD) |
鱗翅目(ガ類) [Lepidoptera (Moths)] |
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博物館事業協力者 | 原田 基弘 (Motohiro Harada) |
鱗翅目(チョウ類) [Lepidoptera (Butterflies)] |
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博物館事業協力者 | 吉田 良和 (Yoshikazu Yoshida) |
鱗翅目(チョウ類) [Lepidoptera (Butterflies)] |
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博物館事業協力者 |
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博物館事業協力者 |
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